Monday, May 16, 2011

UMS In The Eyes of Second Graders Part 2

Here is the second installment!  I asked 5 new friends to take a picture of their favorite spot in UMS!  Enjoy!

Madison C.

The writing center is Madison's favorite place at UMS!  She said, "I love to draw
pictures and write stories.  I usually write about dogs."

Bridget F.

Bridget said, "The library is my favorite place at UMS because I get to pick awesome books.
Franklin is one of my favorite series!"

Adem B.

Adem thought for a moment and responded, "The gym is my favorite space at UMS.
I like it because Mr. T. sets up stations and we can play tag.  P.E. is so much fun!"

Megan S.

Megan had to really pause for a moment and then decided that she didn't have just ONE
favorite place.  She said, "I don't have a favorite place, there are lots of places that I like. 
The art room is fun because  I really enjoy art. It gives me something to do if I am mad
or need time to myself.  My parents also think I am pretty good at it."  (Since there was a
class in the art/music room, Megan took a picture of the mural in the hallway)

Carlton P.

Carlton's favorite place at UMS is any computer lab! Carlton said, "My favorite thing to do
at UMS is to have computer time.  I like computer time because I like breaks.  My favorite game to
play is called Wooden Path."

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