Sunday, May 1, 2011

Red Clover Author Visits UMS

Jason Chin, the author of the Red Clover nominated book Redwoods, visited our school on Friday, April 29th.  The students had the opportunity to spend an hour with Mr. Chin and listen about how he created his book. He shared the story of how he came up with the idea of writing about the redwood forests while he was riding on a subway.  He then showed us many pictures of his researching trip to the west coast. The students had an opportunity to ask questions and then Mr. Chin did some impromptu art for everyone. He is an amazing artist! Here are some pictures from his visit.   (A note of thanks to Mrs. Flanagan for organizing this amazing opportunity.)

All the second graders are listening to Mr. Chin describe his drawing idea.

Mr Chin started the sentence "I stepped off the subway and landed in ____."  With lots of help, Mr. Chin settled on China.  He used our friend Ben B. as his model for the little boy in the picture. Does the little boy look like Ben?

The picture is a work in progress and Mr. Chin has had a lot  of help from the students about things you might see in China such as the Great Wall of China, a dragon, a monkey, and a panda bear.  Good team work second grade friends!

The drawing is almost done! Mr. Chin is putting on the finishing touches. Can you see all of the students' suggestions in the illustrations?

What a wonderful audience!!

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