Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Student Blogs

Today, students started working on their own blogs!  Mrs. Boucher came in to help us and show us how to navigate our blog site.  Everyone was very excited to name their blog and pick a background.  We have more work to do, but you can check your child's blog which is located on the sidebar of my blog.  Check back for an actual blog post by your child!  Here are some photographs from our lesson.



  1. What a great learning project- I'm hoping Ethan will be able to teach me a thing or two about blogging as he moves thru this year! He was so excited to show us his blog, check out his classmates' blogs and read comments that were posted!

  2. Thanks Angie! I am amazed at how much the students love their blogs! They have worked so hard and they love commenting on each other's blogs. Technology is enhancing the way we learn (and I teach!)
