Monday, October 22, 2012

Fire Safety Week

On Thursday, October 18th, the Colchester Fire Fighters came to UMS to talk about Fire Safety week!  We had a great discussion on the signs that we would see if there was a fire as well  as what to do if you are in a building that is on fire. We also talked about what to do if our clothes catch on fire.  It is a little different than what I learned in school years ago. Now the firefighters taught us to stop, drop, cover your face, and roll.  One of our students even demonstrated this for us.  One of the best parts of the presentation was watching a fire fighter get dressed up in all of his proctective fire gear.  When a fire fighter is fully dressed, they can look a little scary so it was good for the students to watch the process.  The fire fighter even showed how he would crawl around the room and call out to see if anyone was in the house. We ended the presentation by going outside to look at and sit in a real fire truck!  We received coloring book, pencils, and a notepad from the Colchester fire fighters! It was a very informative and important presentation.  Thank you Colchester Fire Fighters!

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