Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Remarkable Rocks

Miss Fournier has been doing an amazing job teaching the children all about rocks!!  She has taught them the three different types of rocks (sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous), the rock cycle,  the earth is made up of layers of rocks, and that we use rocks on a daily basis.  Here are some pictures that highlight the learning that is happening in Room 9!

To start the unit, the children generated a list of things they already knew about rocks and what they wanted to learn about rocks during this unit.

Here are all of the books that we have on rocks and minerals.

Now that the unit is almost over, the chidlren have done a great job filling in all of the wonderful information that they have learned about rocks!

We made a very impressive list of all the ways we use rocks in our lives!

 Here is our rock museum with our rock gardens and pictures of ways that we use rocks.

We made edible rocks during this unit!  We used Starburst to make metamorphic rocks. We used heat and pressure from our hands to mold the Starburst into yummy rocks.  (Then we ate them!) 

I know these don't look like much, but these edible rocks are our "igneous rocks".  We melted chocolate and let it cool and harden to form these rocks.    Who doesn't like a big piece of chocolate?
We also made sedimentary rocks by layering graham crackers, icing, and sprinkles.  I don't have a picture of these rocks because my camera battery died!  All 3 rock types were delicious and were a great visual way to see the difference between each rock!

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