Monday, April 30, 2012

Ms. Fournier's last day

4 months seemed to go much more quickly than anyone in Room 9 thought that it would!  Ms. Fournier's last day with us was on Friday, April 20th (which was also her 22nd birthday!).  We celebrated the end of this wonderful experience with a party and a gift for Ms. Fournier. We were also lucky to spend some time with Ms. Fournier's grandparents! They came and spent the afternoon reading with us and Ms. Fournier's grandmother even made everyone cupcakes!  Yummy!

We worked hard all week on making a special bag with everyone's signatures for Ms. Fournier to take to her first job. We filled the bag full of wonderful books and we know that wherever she ends up, she won't forget all of the wonderful students in Room 9!  We will miss her!

Good luck Ms. Fournier!! :)

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