Monday, January 16, 2012

Hamburger Constructed Response

We have been working so hard on learning to write a constructed response!!  I use the analogy of a hamburger so the students can visually understand the parts of a constructed response.  You have probably noticed many writing samples coming home that deal with hamburgers! Has your child been able to explain it to you? 

A constructed response is a type of writing that your child will be doing from now through college.  It has an introductory sentence and a focusing sentence (what you are actually writing about).  Then there are three examples that support your focusing sentence.  Finally, the students make a personal connection and then have a closing sentence.  Are you confused yet?

Let me give you an example.  This past week, we read the book My Penguin Osbert.  This book is about a little boy named Joe who wants a penguin for Christmas.  Santa brings him a penguin named Osbert.  Joe quickly learns that it is very hard to take care of a pet penguin.  Here is an example of a constructed response to the prompt: How does Joe learn that it is very hard to have a penguin for a pet?  

(Introductory Sentence) I read the book My Penguin Osbert by Elizabeth Cody Kimmel.  Joe wanted a penguin for a pet and Santa gave him Osbert.  (Focusing Sentence) Joe quickly learned that it is very hard to have a penguin for a pet!  (Example One) One example that shows it is hard to have a penguin for a pet is Osbert liked to be outside for long periods of time. Joe got very cold but he stayed outside because Osbert was his pet.  (Second example)  Another example that shows it is hard to have a penguin for a pet is penguins like to swim. Joe didn't have a swimming pool so he put Osbert in the bathtub and filled it with cold water.  Joe stayed with him in the tub until Joe's fingers shriveled up like prunes.  (Third example) The last example that shows it is hard to have a penguin for a pet is Osbert likes to eat fish and seaweed. Joe really wanted chocolate chip pancakes but he made what Osbert wanted since he is his pet.  (Personal Connection) I had a pet hamster named George when I was growing up. George was very easy to take care of. He slept in his cage and I had to give him clean water and hamster food. (Closing Sentence) I have shown you three ways that it is hard to have a penguin as a pet.

This is how the hamburger analogy comes into play.  The top hamburger bun is the introduction and focusing sentence.  The first example is the tomatoes. The second example is the lettuce and the third example is the actual cheeseburger.  The bottom bun is the personal connection and the closing sentence.  Confusing huh?  We will continue to work on this all year! 

Here is a picture of our new bulletin board.

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