Thursday, October 13, 2011

Reading Workshop

We are all finally in the groove of reading workshop!!  Each hour and 30 minute reading block starts with a whole-class read aloud  that I then use to teach a mini lesson.  The last few weeks we have been working on making connections, identifiying a favorite part, and I have introduced the major story components of main character, setting, problem, and solution.  We have also started using complete sentences!!

Anyway, once the mini lesson is complete, the students go back to their desk to work on the concept that I just taught.  When they finish that, they have a worksheet to complete independently that reviews a spelling or reading skill that we have been working on.  This week, the worksheets have included short vowel review, complete versus incomplete sentences, the "h" brothers, and and rhyming. 

Students then go to their reading club of the day. I have five clubs, one for each day!  Students will visit the book nook once during the week, as well as use the computer, create an art project, and complete activities centered around working with words/writing and fluency skills.

I also meet with reading groups while all of this is going on!  There is often a busy hum in our room as everyone does their jobs!  I had the chance to take a few pictures this week to showcase some of our reading workshop time!  Enjoy!

Here are some students working hard right after a mini lesson.  They are writing about the main character, the problem, and the solution to the first half of the story Justin Time, Amber Brown.

 Miss Pigeon is working with a reading group on comprehension questions using the book Beef Stew.  This is a tough skill to learn in second grade and they did great!!

 I couldn't get my pictures to switch order so they are a little jumbled now!  This student is working on his fluency club using the poem Cookies.  Students read a poem several times, answer questions on the poem, and then put the poem in their poetry folder.  Students then practice their fluency (pace, expression, pausing at punctutaion, and phrasing) as they reread all of the poems in their folder!

 This student is working on Word work.  He is writing about his all about his Halloween costume using describing words.

One of the favorite clubs is the computer club.  Students play reading games on the computer to enhance their reading skills.  Some common websites that I use are and

These students are creating pumpkin glyphs during art club.  They are following directions to create a special pumpkin that tells other friends all about him/herself.

In the book nook, students can find interesting books to put in their book box, use the ABC magnetic board, use the tubaloo, and read for fun!

This picture was supposed to be first!  This is a picture of my reading club board. Each week I post the assignments on the board so students can see what I expect!

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