Thursday, October 20, 2011

Busy Week!

We have had a very busy week in Room 9!  Let me apologize first for not having pictures to go with this post.  I usually do all of my blogging at home so that is where my camera usually resides unless I remember to bring it to school.  Obviously, I kept forgetting to bring it all week!!  Anyway, even without pictures, I am sure you will enjoy reading all about our adventures this week!

Flynn Theater:
On Monday, October 17th, we went to the Flynn Theater to see Slyvester and the Magic Pebble.  (The students were very excited to leave school and have an adventure!)  The performance included live actors, puppets, dancing, and music.  Everyone behaved wonderfully and really enjoyed the show.  We sat up in the balcony which became half the fun.  It was a sold out show and well worth the trip.  When we came back to school, we talked about the performance and everyone told about his/her favorite part.  I love the Flynn Theater and I hope your child did too!

Fire Safety:
October is Fire Safety Month!  We had 2 firefighers visit us on Tuesday, October 18th.  We had a 45 minute discussion on fire safety.  The students asked some really insightful questions and they were wonderful listeners.  Here are some quick points that everyone learned:
  • If you think there is a fire, feel the door. If it is cold, open it and peek outside. Stay low to the ground and get out of the house. "Get low and Go" was the phrase that the firemen kept repeating.   If the door is hot, don't open it! Go to a window, open it up, and yell loudly for help until someone hears you. Keep yelling until you are rescued.
  • Call 911 if you think there is a fire. It is important for the students to know their address so they can tell the dispatcher. We realized that many students in Room 9 didn't know their address, so this is something you can practice with your child.
  • We saw one of the firemen get dressed up in his full firefighting gear.  He explained each piece of clothing and why it is important.  Once he was all dressed up, he sounded a little like Darth Vader.  He talked alot about not being scared of him, he is there to help.
  • Lastly, we had a chance to go outside and get a "tour" of a real fire engine.  We saw all of the tools, lights, and hoses on the truck. We all even had a chance to sit inside the fire truck!
We had a great time and I want to send a special thank you to the Colchester Center firefighters!!

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