Friday, June 10, 2011

Last Day of Second Grade

This year has gone by so quickly!  Monday, June 13th is our last day of school.  We will have "Step Up" day in the morning which is when I will get to meet my new class and the your second graders will get to visit with their kindergarten teachers one more time!  School will be dismissed at 12:45.  I am so sad to see Monday come, but I know that I have 20 students that are ready to graduate to third grade. It has been a sincere pleasure having your child in my room this year. This is a wonderful group of kids and I look forward to hearing of their many accomplishments as they continue their education. Have a wonderful summer and please keep in touch!!

UMS In The Eyes of Second Graders Part 4

Here are some thoughts from a few more friends in our room!

Maddie M.

Maddie told me that her favorite place in UMS is right in our classroom!
"The book nook in our room is my favorite place at UMS.  The Boxcar Children is one of
my new favorite book series.  Brooke recommended it to me and I really like this series."

Brooke B.

Brooke quickly told me that her favorite place is the art room. 
"The art room is my favorite place in UMS.  Art is my favorite special and it is
the one place where I get to be very creative.  Mrs. Derry is really nice too!"

Connor C.

 With a smile on his face, Connor told me, "Recess is my favorite part of school.
I love the playground! I can play games like kickball and tag.  Kickball is my favorite game
and the big fish is my favorite part of the structure. There is lots to do outside."

Milo T.

After some thought and discussion, Milo picked Mr. Antonicci as his favorite "part" of UMS.
(Milo didn't think he could pick a person, so the art room almost won out until I told him
that he could absolutely choose Mr. Antonicci)  Milo said, "Mr. Antonicci is my favorite person
at UMS.  He is really nice and he is the BEST principal that I will probably ever have.  I get to spend special
time with him every week.  He is super cool and he runs the school really well."

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

MBS Fly Up Day!

On Friday morning, we are traveling to MBS to check out "the big school".  When we get there, the students will have an opportunity to meet their new teacher and classmates for next year.  Your child will spend about half an hour in their new classroom, getting to know their teacher and fellow classmates. After their orientation, I will gather our crew and we will head to the gymnasium!  Once we are there, we will combine with Porter's Point second graders and do some activities with the MBS P.E. teachers.  This is an amazing morning and I am sure that there is excitement mingled with anxiety for our kiddos!  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me at 264-5959.

Burnham Library Visit Tomorrow!

The Burnham library is coming to UMS on Friday to explain about their summer programs!  However, since we will be at Fly Up Day at MBS, we are going to miss their presentation.  To make up for it, all of the second graders are walking to the Burnham library TOMORROW!  We will meet the librarians, hear about the summer programs, and see what the library has to offer. I have sent home a bright blue permission slip for you to sign and return tomorrow! Please make sure that you return it because your child can't go without it!  Thanks for helping out!!

UMS In The Eyes of Second Graders Part 3

A few more students had the opportunity today to share their favorite spot in UMS.  Check it out!!

Jack C.

Jack says, "Mr. Antonicci has a great office!  He sometimes lets us visit his office at snack time.
We can play games there like Yahtzee and Trouble.  He is a great principal!"

Jackson S.

Jackson said his favorite thing to do at UMS is to play on the computer.  "I love to play math and
reading games.  They are so much fun to play.  I love to play "Make a Robot" on"

Blake Q.

Blake said, "P.E. is my favorite  place at UMS.  It is fun to do stations like the
hippity hop, the jungle gym, and the hula hoops." (Notice the P.E. rocks sign on the wall)

Hannah S.

Hannah had a hard time picking a place at UMS and she finally settled on the music room.  She said,
"I like to sing and dance and we do alot of that in music class.  Get down Methusala is my favorite
song and the feather dance is my favorite dance!"

Kylie B.

Kylie quickly told me that music is her favorite special.  "The music room is my favorite place
because I love to sing. I am a good singer. I love doing the feather dance! Ms. Mutz is alot of fun!!"