Tuesday, February 7, 2012

100th Day of School

Today was a day filled with fun and celebration!  We have made it through 100 fantastic days in second grade!  Our entire day (except SWR) was filled with the number 100.  We counted 100 things, read 100 words, took 100 steps, made a snack with 100 pieces, connected 100 numbers, wrote 100 words, and colored some amazing 100 day attire such as glasses and a hat!  I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as we enjoyed our day!

We started the day with a hundreds themed school wide meeting! Everyone's behavior was wonderful!

During Morning Meeting, everyone partnered up and traded their 100th day baggies.  Partners counted each others bags and reported back to the class.  We noticed that the bigger the item, the harder it was to close the bag but the smaller items fit effortlessly into the bags.

 We noticed that the green paint balls took up more space than the beads.  Good counting and teamwork!

 I loved the 100th day hat and glasses!  So cute!

Here are some friends making their hundreds day hats. 

 Here are two friends reading 100 words together!

 After an amazing amount of effort, the final touches are being put on a 100th day hat!

WOW!! Look at how busy he is writing 100 words! He is on number 75! 

His glasses are done, now he has to decide what activity to do next.  Smiles make everything worthwhile! 

 We are counting out 20 Cheerios, 20 M&M's, 20 raisins, 20 pretzels, and 20 marshmellows for a yuumy 100th day treat!

Making 100th day hats was almost as much fun as eating M&M's!  

After taking 100 steps, each child put down a piece of tape where they ended.  I know the picture isn't too exciting, but many students predicted they would end up in the book nook.  Many were close! 

At the end of our day, I wanted a picture with everyone in their hats and glasses. This is the "serious" picture. 

Here is the goofy picture! We had a great day!

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