Monday, September 26, 2011

Learning in Many Ways

For the last week and a half, we have been busy learning how to work in second grade.  We have talked about how learning happens in many different ways!  Take a look at some of the "action shots" I was able to capture during the last few days!!

Students practice using classroom materials appropriately.

 Students use teamwork to create a pattern block design.

 Students complete a worksheet to practice a skill. 

  Students play games to reinforce skills that we are learning.

 Students play a cooperative game to reinforce a skill.

 Students respond in writing to a story that they heard.

 Students converse about a story we just read.

 Students create bookmarks to use during silent reading time.

 Students buddy read together.

Students practice picking books that they can read and will hold their interest.

There are many exciting things happening in Room 9!! We can't wait to show you everything we have been doing at Open House next week (Oct.6th)!!  See you then!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

UMS Open House

UMS Open House is Thursday, October 6, 2011.  This is a very informal event that runs from 6:30 - 7:30.  Keep watching this blog for more information!!  We can't wait to show you everything we have been busy learning!

Math Homelinks!!

OK Parents!! Math homelinks (a fancy word for homework) have started coming home!  I have reviewed today's skill in class and their homelink reinforces and reviews that skill. Today we talked about greater than and less than.  Ask your child to show you the alligators they cut out to help them remember which sign is which!  Homework comes back to school the next day.  Please make sure that you have checked your child's work and talked about the skill.  (This is a great way to catch up on what your child is learning each day)  If you are having difficulty with the homework, just send me a note and I can give you more time, or I can help your child at school!  Remember, math homework should take no more than 10 minutes a night!!  Thank you for your support!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Spelling Skills

Today you will find a spelling skill worksheet in your child's home/school folder.  This worksheet tells you the skill that we are working on this week as well as the red word(s) that are being introduced for mastery. This worksheet will come home every Monday unless we are having a proficiency test. While there is NO homework to turn into me, I ask that you take just 5-10 minutes a night to review this skill with your child.  This week, we are reviewing short vowels and talking about ending punctuation.  Here are some ideas of things you can do to practice short vowels with your child!
  • make a list of some of the short vowel words that they know and check their spelling.
  • ask them to spell various short vowel words
  • have them make up sentences that have 2 short vowel words and make sure they use the proper punctuation
  • play "I Spy" with a book -- have your child read a book and look for 5 words that have a short a (or any short vowel sound)
  • make flashcards with various short vowel words and play "Go Fish" or "Memory"
  • write down the red words that we have learned (although there are only 2 at this point) and play "Go Fish" or "Memory"
  • make word families for various short vowels such as -at, -ip, -ot, -ug, -et
I hope this helps!  Thank you so much for your support and help at home!

P.S. - Math homework will start coming home this Wednesday!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Title One Update from Mrs. Mazza

Title 1 services are starting next week (September 19th).  If you received a permission slip in the mail, please return it to school as soon as possible.  If you did not receive a permission slip in the mail, your child is not eligible to receive services this trimester.  Please contact Lynn Mazza at 233-5239 or if you have any

Monday, September 12, 2011

Picture Day

This is just a reminder that picture day at UMS  is this Wednesday, September 14th.  If your child wants to order pictures, they must return their picture money by Wednesday morning otherwise they will have to order when the photographers come back to retake pictures.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call school at 264-5959.

"Real Work" is starting....

Today started our first full week of school.  We had seven days full of ice cream, learning routines, and fun so now it is time to start introducing second grade academics!  We have started our daily routines during SWR time, reading time, and math time.  I really emphasize that I am looking for students who are working hard as well as trying their best.  There were lots of brains working overtime today!  I am proud to announce that I saw some amazing second grade effort!!  Below are some pictures of teammates playing "Addition Top It" from the Everyday Math Series.  Everyone had a great time reviewing their math skills as well as remembering how to work in pairs!  I see some fantastic learning going on in Room 9 and I am excited for a great year!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

School Notes From the First Four Days!!!

We had an amazing 3 days last week!  Everyone worked really hard adjusting to school and learning the classroom expectations!  We had such a successful week that the entire class earned a sundae party!!  On Friday afternoon everyone received a heaping bowl of vanilla fudge ice cream and they were able to choose their own toppings.  We had whipped cream, sprinkles, chocolate crunch topping, and hot fudge.  Our room smelled heavenly and everyone ate with gusto!  It was a great way to end the first week of school!

This week, we are starting to talk about the importance of school.  We are working hard to become a "team" and we are working on creating our classroom rules.  I am also introducing the students to our daily schedule and all of our classroom routines.  This will take us a few weeks to iron out, but I know we will get there! I am so blessed to have 18 wonderful students this year!! We are going to have so much fun!

Here are a few notes for the next few days:

FLYNN THEATER FIELD TRIP:  Today I sent home a bright green piece of paper that is a permission slip for your child to go to the Flynn Theater in October to see Sylvester and the Magic Pebble.  This is a fantastic show and I am so excited to share this experience with your child.  Please sign and return the permission slip as soon as possible along with the $8.00 fee.  You can pay in cash or send a check made payable to UMS.  If you are interested in being a chaperone, please check that box on the permission slip. I will put all of the interested parents' names into a hat and pull out 1 or 2 names.  I will contact you if your name is chosen and you can send your money in at that time.

UMS PICTURE DAY:  Next Wednesday, September 14th is our picture day.  Picture order forms went home on Friday.  Please fill it out and return it to school as soon as possible.  All forms must be returned by Wednesday if you are ordering pictures.  If you do not want to order your child's picture, that is fine. Everyone in the class will receive a class picture.

LOTS OF PAPERWORK:  I just want to remind you that a lot of paperwork has been sent home in the last few days. If you have any paperwork left at home. please fill it out and return it to school with your child.  I have sent home a blog permission slip, medical forms from the nurse, the home-school compact, the background check necessary to volunteer, and the Flynn permission slip.  I also sent home a book order which is due this Friday if you are ordering books.  Please pay with a check made payable to Scholastic Book Clubs

** I am still waiting for a few blog permission slips to come back before I start posting pictures.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at .