Monday, October 18, 2010

Math Games

Happy Monday everyone!!  We have been working very hard to get into a routine during math time.  I start each lesson with a 10 minute whole class mini-lesson and then I break the students up into groups.  One group comes to my desk to review the skill of the day, another group works on math boxes at their seat, and the last group has a choice of various math games and activities to play.  I am learning to upload pictures onto my blog so I have taken some pictures of students playing different math games! I hope you enjoy this little glimpse into our day!

Broken Calculator is an activity that challenges students to find multiple ways to make a number without just writing the number. For example: my number is 20 but my 2 key is "broken" so I could write 11+9 or 30-10.

Name that Number is a game where children try to make a certain number using the five cards in front of them.  If I have a 5,1,10,7,and 9 in front of me and I draw a 6, I can make a 6 three ways. I can use 7-1 or 5+1 which uses up 2 of my cards.  I can also use 10-5+1 which equals 6 and uses up 3 of my cards. This is a great game where kids can differentiate according to their ability.

Addition Top It  is played just like the card game War.  Each player throws down 2 cards and they add up their numbers.  Each player says their number sentence out loud and the player with the biggest answer wins all the cards.

Balloon Double is a game where kids practice their double facts such as 4+4 or 10+10.  The student rolls a die or two (depending on which gameboard they chose) and they double that number.  Once they have doubled the number, they place a chip on that number on their gameboard.  When every balloon on their gameboard is covered, they have won!

Compliments of Ten Memory  is a great way to learn the compliments of ten.  If you flip over 2 cards and they add up to 10, then you get to keep the match!  The compliments of ten are 0+10. 1+9, 2+8, 3+7, 4+6, and 5+5.  The more practice the students have, the less they will need to use their fingers!

         Here is a group working on the minus 9 lesson from today! We are cramped, but we have fun!

Here is a student working on math boxes at his seat. All of the math boxes review skills that we have already learned. Today we reviewed counting dollars and coins, telling time, writing a fact family, drawing a trapezoid and circling the 3 sides that are the same size, reading a graph, and writing 3 different names for the number 26 (just like the Broken Calculator game)!

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