Thursday, January 26, 2012

Guidance News from Mrs. McCleary

Second Grade Guidance Update

We have just finished up our guidance unit on managing angry feelings.  We have discussed that angry feelings are OK but that it is not OK to do something hurtful with your anger.  This unit focuses on ways to calm down before trying to solve a problem. 

We have talk about how when we are upset we do not think as clearly as when we are calm.  Ways to calm down are taking a few deep breaths, counting, walking away, talking to someone about how you feel and telling yourself to calm down.  We have spent some time talking about how powerful our self-talk is in either calming down or staying angry.  Gentle reminders about this may be helpful at home.

We will now move on to Problem Solving and practicing problem solving steps.  We will review KELSO’s Choices which are 9 strategies to use to solve common social problems between kids. These strategies are: 1.) go to another game, 2.) talk it out, 3.) share and take turns, 4.) tell them to stop, 5.) ignore, 6.) apologize, 7.) make a deal, 8.)  walk away, 9.) wait and cool off. 

Your children are doing a great job and I love working with them!

From, Mrs. McCleary

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