Tuesday, May 10, 2011

UMS In The Eyes of Second Graders

In my hopes of becoming more technologically savvy, I have started to teach the students how to take pictures with my digital camera.  Now, you can probably also hear most of them say, "Mrs. Marshall, I already KNOW how to use a digital camera!"  Everyone was very sweet to indulge my teaching anyway. 

That being said, each child will have a chance in the next few weeks to take a picture of their favorite spot at UMS and tell me a few words about it.  Everyone is very excited for this project and I think it is a great way to end our year!!  Remember, I love comments so feel free to leave one!

Kevin C.

 Kevin's favorite spot is the book nook in our classroom.  He says, "It is lots of fun to read in
there. Math books are my favorite kind of books to read."

Jerry C.

 Jerry thought for a moment and said, "I like the rug area in our classroom the best. 
I sit there every day and I always have fun when I am sitting with my friends."

Griffin P.

Griffin could immediately tell me that his favorite spot in UMS was the library. 
"I love the library because there are lots of interesting books on animals. I like to read."

Grace B.

 Grace was very excited to take a picture of the book nook in our classroom.
She said, "I love the book nook the best because I LOVE to read!  There are so many
interesting books in there!  Mallory on the Move is one of my favorite books this year."

Ellie B.

Ellie was also quick to respond that the library was her favorite spot at UMS. 
"I love the library. It is my favorite place at UMS. I love to read and Mrs. Flanagan
has great books in the library.  I have read a lot of them!"

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