Friday, September 19, 2014

Constitution Day

Wednesday, September 17th,  was Constitution Day! We learned all about the Constitution, which is an important document that lists the rules for our Country.  We had a whole school assembly and Mrs. Howard's class taught us some facts about the Constitution. We also celebrated the 200th anniversary of the "Star Spangled Banner".  Here are some photos from our assembly.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Harvesting Carrots!

Last year, the first grade classes planted carrot seeds in the field next to school.  Today we harvested the super huge carrots! Everyone had an opportunity to use their muscles to pull a carrot out of the ground! When we were done, we donated the carrots to the Colchester Food Shelf.  Everyone was really excited to see the finished product from their hard work last spring and the Food Shelf was very greatful for the donation!  A special thank you goes out to Mrs. Perkins for organizing and taking care of this project from start to finish!!!  Here are some photographs from our morning!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Loren Long's Visit

We had a great visit from Loren Long today! He is the author and illustrator of the famous and fun "Otis" books. Loren shared his brand new story "Otis and the Scarecrow". He talked about his writing process, where he gets his ideas from, and how he creates his illustrations. The students were enthralled and they were a very respectful audience.  He mentioned a website called and there are numerous games and interviews for students to watch.  Here are some photos from our afternoon!

Guided Bus Discovery with Mrs. McCleary

Last Friday, we talked about how to be safe and behave on a school with Mrs. McCleary.  We looked at a school bus and we talked about the wheels, the flashing lights, and  the stop sign  that pops out when the bus comes to a full stop.  We talked about the emergency exits, the railing next to the stairs, and the aisle in the bus.  We talked about how to behave during a bus ride which includes having our backs against our seat, our bottoms touching the seat, our hands in our laps and our feet on the floor (not in the aisle), and quiet voices.  After looking at Mrs. McCleary's slide show, we actually rode a bus to Creek Farm Plaza while we practiced these skills.  Everyone did a great job!