Friday, December 21, 2012

Making Gingerbread Houses

We made amazing foam gingerbread houses last Friday! I am sure you have already seen your child's house come home.  Here are some photos from all of our fun!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Gingerbread Fred!

We have read some great gingerbread books and we are so excited to have a new friend that has joined our class! Gingerbread Fred is our new classmate in Room 9 and he loves learning with us!  Each night, Gingerbread Fred is invited to go home with one lucky student.  While Fred is at your house, your child has to write a summary of what he/she did with Gingerbread Fred and return it to school the next day.  One perk to receiving Fred, is that your child doesn't have to do their regular homework that night (but they are welcome to because Fred loves doing homework!)  Every child will get a chance to take Fred home before the holiday break.  Meet Fred!


We have been reading many gingerbread books and comparing the similarities and differences between the various texts.  We have talked about a Venn diagram and had lots of practice filling one out.  We have also had some great discussions about what a strong comparison is verses a weak comparison.  After we read each book, we filled in a big grid that we referred to often! Here is a picture of our hard work!

 This is just SOME of our Gingerbread Books!

Look at this amazing grid comparing all of the gingerbread books that we read!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Hamburger Writing

We have been learning a new type of writing this week!  We have been learning to write a constructed response after reading a book.  This is a very regimented writing style.  The first paragraph has an opening sentence with the title of the book and the author as well as the most important sentence, the focusing sentence.  The second paragraph has 3 examples from the text that support the focusing sentence. The last paragraph has a personal connection and the closing sentence.  I use a picture of a hamburger to visually teach this writing skill.  This is something that we will work on all year.
  • the top bun is the opening sentence and the focusing sentence
  • the tomato is the first example
  • the lettuce is the second example
  • the burger is the third example
  • the bottom bun is the connection and the closing sentence
Here is an example of a constructed response I wrote about the book Amelia Bedelia.

     I read the book Amelia Bedelia by Peggy Parish. Amelia is very silly!  One example that shows Ameila is silly is she changed the towels in the bathroom by cutting them into pieces!  Another example that shows Ameila is silly is she put dusting powder all over the furniture instead of wiping the dust off.  The last example that shows that Amelia is silly is she sat down and drew a picture of the curtains instead of closing them to keep the sun out.  I am sometimes silly when I tell jokes with my daughters.  I have shown you three ways that Amelia is silly.