Monday, September 24, 2012

SWR - Spelling, Writing, and Reading

Hello!  Now that we have started the second grade curriculum, I wanted to take some time to fill you in on some of our academic subjects. I will start with our spelling block, also referred to as our SWR time.   We have SWR time for 30 minutes a day.

I begin each week with a pretest so I can check which students already know the skill and which students need more support.  I use this information to tailor my instruction for the week. After our pretest, the entire class completes a worksheet and talks about the rule.  We brainstorm words that fit in this rule and we spell them together.  We practice for 20 minutes so that everyone knows and understands the rule.

Once I have looked at the pretest, I arrange the students into one of three groups, depending on their familiarity with the current spelling rule.  On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday the students rotate through various activities.  One day, your child will meet with me to review and work on the spelling skill, another day they will independently complete a worksheet or word sort that reviews our skill, and lastly they will play a game that reinforces the skill that I am teaching. They will receive LOTS of practice with their spelling skil throughout the weekl. 

Lastly, on Friday, I give a spelling check-in to see who has mastered the spelling skill and who still needs to pracitce it.  The information I gain from the check-in helps me plan my instruction for the coming week.

Every Monday I send home a spelling homework sheet introducing the spelling skill and giving multiple words that fit the spelling rule.  You will also notice a list of red words that we have worked on so far.  Even though there is no homework to return to me, please have your child practice the skill for 5-10 minutes a night.  Some suggested activities are playing "I Spy" and look for words the fit the rule in a book.  You can give your child a spelling test with various words each night.  Your child can pick 3 words from the list and spell 4 rhyming words.  They can write sentences using their red words (look for capitals and periods!).  You can create a word unscramble or a crossword puzzle.  The sky is the limit for ways to practice spelling!  Thanks for your help with this!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Working Hard!

We have been working very hard and settling into the second grade routine for the last two weeks.  We have created our classroom rules and started to decorate some of the bulletin boards.  I think the children are finally getting used to the fact that I have to talk a lot to explain and review second grade expectations!!

We have started the Everyday Math series and our first math homelink (homework) will go home on Wednesday, September 19th.  Spelling and reading homework have already been sent home.  We are easing into our Reading workshop routine and our current social studies theme is Friendship/Community.  We have been busy little bees for the last 12 days!

Here are some pictures of us learning and having fun!

Small group work with me!

Playing a sightword game!

Playing a rhyming game and practicing our partner skills!

Everyone looked amazing on picture day!

The First Three Days

Our first week of school was wonderful!!  We were blessed with beautiful weather and 19 excited kids!!  We spent the first three days getting to know each other as well as  learning to work together.  We earned a highly anticipated ice cream sundae party on Friday to cap off all of our wonderful behavior and effort! Here are some pictures!  Everyone was so excited and full of sugar by the time the party was over!

Mr. Antonicci even came to enjoy the fun!  We had a GREAT first week!