Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The First Day of School!

Tomorow, August 29th, is the first day of school and I am so excited!  I have so many fun things planned for our first three days together!  We will take time this week to get used to being back in school, learn some new routines, and practice being respectful.  It was so wonderful to see many familiar faces during Open House this morning. I definitely feel less nervous now that I can put a face with each name.  Enjoy your last day of summer and I will see you tomorrow!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Time To Think About School

School is just around the corner so I hope you and your family have enjoyed a relaxing and fun summer!  I have been busy getting our classroom ready for an amazing year!  I wanted to take the time to remind you of two second grade activities happening soon!

1.  Second Grade Curriculum Night for Parents :  The Second Grade Team (Tammy Davis, Debbie Howard, Sherry Thibault, and myself) is hosting a curriculum night on Thursday, August 23rd at 6:30 p.m.  Please meet in my classroom, Room 9.  There will be a brief power point presentation on the curriculum requirements of second grade and then there will be a chance for parents to ask questions.  This is an informal evening for parents, there is no childcare available.  If you can not make it, I will be sending home the same information in your child's green folder on the first day of school.

2.  Second Grade Open House for Students:  On Tuesday, August 28th, there will be an Open House for all incoming second graders. It is from 8:00-9:00 in the morning. This is a very relaxed event. Students can come to our classroom (Room 9) and find their seat, hug friends, and get a little gift!  This is a chance for the students to get familiar with their classroom before the first day of school, which is Wednesday, August 29th!  Hope to see everyone there!

Enjoy the last few days of summer and I look forward to seeing everyone soon!