Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Celebrating at the Village Scoop!

We celebrated the end of a great year with a trip to the Village Scoop! It was delicious!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Fly Up Day at MBS!

We had a great morning at MBS! Everyone met their new third grade teacher as well as the Porters Point children in their class.  We ended our visit by dancing the "Paper Shake Dance" with Mr. Hunt and Oscar the Osprey. We had such a great time and everyone is super excited for third grade to start!  Here are just a few photos from our visit!

Sorry this picture is blurry, it is an action shot!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Pajama Picnic Day with Our Favorite Stuffed Animal!

Today is the last day of Spirit Week and it ended with a bang!  Everyone wore their pajamas and brought in their favorite stuffed animals. We read with our animals, played a clock game with our animals, wrote about plant adaptations with our animals, and had a picnic lunch outside with our animals. What a great way to end Spirit Week!

Fill A Bucket Day!

We have had so much fun filling our friends buckets with compliments this week!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Monday, May 18, 2015

Spirit Week!!

Spirit week started today and our classroom was full of fun hats. We had baseball hats, cowgirl hats, Derby sun hats, Mickey Mouse hats, trendy hipster hats, and a pink Santa hat!  Here is are two photos from our day. Remember, tomorrow is favorite t-shirt day!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Important End of Year Dates

MBS Fly Up Day: The UMS Second Grade crew will be going to UMS on the morning of June 2nd.  The kids will go to their classroom to meet their new teacher and spend some time with their new classmates. It is a super exciting day! We will leave right at 8:45 a.m. so make sure you are here on time! J

Village Scoop: I will be taking the class to the Village Scoop on Wednesday, June 3rd to celebrate all of the hard work and learning each student has done this year! Each student can choose between a small chocolate, vanilla, or twist cone. This is my treat and a GREAT way to end the year! J

Airport Park Field Day: We will be having the UMS field days at Airport Park on Monday, June 8th with a rain date of Tuesday, June 9th.  More information will come home closer to this date, but yesterday, you did receive a lunch form about the lunch BBQ that day.  If your child wants a hot lunch of a hot dog, please send this form back to school by Monday, May 18th. J

Last Day of School: The last day of school is Wednesday, June 10th.  Dismissal is at 12:45. J

Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Water Cycle

We had Four Winds today and we learned all about the Water Cycle. We watched a puppet show that followed a rain drop as it was steam inside a volcano, traveled in the ocean, landed on the back of a duck, was sucked up through tree roots, and evaporating into the air.  We talked about how 97% of the water on the Earth is salt water and only 3% is fresh water. We did a great experiment about surface tension on the top of water. We added pennies one at a time to a cup of water to see how many pennies the cup could hold before the water spilled over the top. Students also practiced this same principal by putting water droplets on top of a penny.  Here are some pictures from our science fun!


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

February Vacation Reading Challenge

Over February break, the students were given the challenge of reading every night over vacation. They needed to record every chapter or book title and turn it in after break.  We made a school poster of all the  classes and we did a great job!  Eleven students read over 240 chapters!  Here is a picture of the students who participated and their certificates! I also included the school poster! Great job Room 9!

Hot Chocolate Party!

We celebrated the end of assessments and the beginning of February break with a hot choloate party! It was delicious and a great way to stay warm as we headed out for the busses.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Conferences and Voting Day

Parent-Teacher Conferences are this Monday, March 2nd and Tuesday, March 3rd.  I sent home 1 reminder last week and I put 1 reminder in with your child's report card. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss the wonderful accomplishments I see every day!

Tuesday is also Voting Day! Voting will take place at Colchester High School from
7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.  Don't forget to get out and vote!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine's Day in Room 9!

We had so much fun today! We read many valentine books, graphed candy hearts, made words out of a valentine sentence, colored our valentine bags, and celebrated the friends we have in Room 9! Here are some photos from our happy day!