Friday, February 21, 2014

Please Vote!

Tuesday, March 4th is voting day in Colchester!  Please watch this amazing video about the quality of our schools and don't forget to get out and vote!!

Hot Chocolate Party!

Today we made the MOST delicious hot chocolate!  Everyone earned this treat by using their listening ears, working hard, and filling buckets!  This was a great way to start our vacation!  Here are some pictures from our fun!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Valentine's Day Celebration

We have had a day full of friendship, hard work, and fun!  Here are some pictures from our Valentine's celebration at the end of the day!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Valentine's Day Party + Snow = ???

In the event of a snow day tomorrow (Feb. 14th), we will have our Valentine's Day party on Monday, February 17th from 2:00 - 2:50. Food items can be delivered on Monday morning, or whenever is convienent for you! Everyone is welcome to attend!  Enjoy the snow and Happy Valentine's Day!!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Healthy Teeth

Sue Rublee came in today to talk to the kids about how to keep their teeth healthy!  We had a great conversation and we learned MANY things!    We even watched a video that definitely made an impressions on the kids!  Here are some highlights from our talk!

     *  Brush your teeth twice a day, hopefully for 2 minutes.
     *  Start to get into the habit of flossing your teeth.
     *  Try to limit the amount of sugary chewy food that you eat.
     *  Brush your teeth after eating candy or anything with lots of sugar.
     *  Visit your dentist twice a year.

Here's some photos from our fun!

Monday, February 3, 2014

School Wide Meeting

Today, we had a whole school meeting.  Our class decided to share some of our opinion writing as well as a Valentine's Day song we've been learning.   Everyone had fun and we did a great job!  Here are some pictures from our presentation!