Monday, October 28, 2013

Fire Safety Month

October is Fire Safety month and we were really lucky to have Colchester Firefighters visit our classroom today.  We talked about many fire safety tips.  Some examples are:
     - stop, drop, cover your face, and roll if a piece of your clothing catches on fire
     - if you are in or near a fire, feel surfaces with the back of your hand and crawl along the floor
     - have a meeting place (like a neighbors tree, or your mailbox) with your family if you need to 
        leave your house in a hurry
     - we saw a fireman get all dressed up in his fire gear and he showed us how he crawls through
       a house looking for people.  Call out loudly when you hear someone.
     - we were even able to look at a fire truck and sit inside it!

We had a fantastic visit and we learned a lot!!  Here are some photos from our presentation.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Burnham Library Field Trip

We are walking to the Burnham Library on Thursday, October 24th after lunch recess.  The weather is starting to change so please make sure that your is dressed appropriately with a jacket, shoes that can get wet, an umbrella (if you have one that is child friendly), mittens or a hat if necessary, and their library card (although the Burnham Librarians can look it up in their computer)   This is a great field trip and we are all excited!

UMS Book Fair

This week, Mrs. Flanagan is hosting the Scholastic book fair in the library.  We were able to visit the book fair this morning and "preview" the books.  Everyone made a wish list of 3 books that interested them.  We did talk about how these books are just wishes, not something that parents are guaranteed to buy.

If you are interested in purchasing books, you can stop by the book fair after school tonight (Tuesday, October 22) or tomorrow (Wednesday. October 23) from 6:30-7:30 p.m.  Or you can send money or a check made out to UMS PTO with your child and I'll send them to the book fair during the school day!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Four Winds

We had a great day today learning about ecosystems with Four Winds!  Jenn and Sarai came to Room 9 and we took a close look at how bugs and other insects use leaves!  We watched a puppet show, classified 6 types of ways that insects eat or use leaves with a picture sort, and then we went on a leaf scavenger hunt! We had so much fun!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Balance and Motion

We have started a new science unit about balance and motion.  We learned today that something is balanced if it has equal weight on both sides.  We tried balancing on one foot and we talked about how holding our arms out can help distribute the weight and make balancing easier.  We then tried balancing cardboard "crayfish" on our fingers.  We even added clothespins as counterweights.  Here are some photos from our explorations.



The second graders planted potato seeds late last spring (as first graders) and we harvested them today with the help of Mr. Perkins.  Everyone picked three potatoes and then we donated them to the food bank right next door.  Everyone was so appreciative and we had a great time!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Community Applesauce

We have been working so hard on our friendship unit!  We have talked about filling buckets, sharing, taking turns,and using honey words.  We have learned that in order to have a great year together, we need to work as a team and be respectful learners.  To end our unit on friendship, we decided to make community applesauce. Everyone brought in a peeled, cored, and chopped apple to school.  We added water and threw them all in the crockpot.  A few hours later, we added the secret ingredient of red hot candies.  After a few hours, our culinary treat was ready!  We were super excited and we weren't disappointed! It was delicious!!!



September Reading Challenge!

Today marked the end of our September reading homework.  The students who turned in their reading assignment earned a snazzy pair of sunglasses.  Check out our picture!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

UMS School Meeting

This morning, we had a school wide meeting.  Since we have been talking a lot about being respectful friends, we shared this during the meeting.  A few friends stood up and read a book page they had made that talked about what a good friend is.  For example, "A good friend always sticks by my side." or "A good friend always helps me when I am hurt."  Here is a collage of our presentation!