Sunday, November 27, 2011

NED Assembly

We had a wonderful assembly to lead us into Thanksgiving week!  The NED assembly teaches kids all about doing their best, not giving up, and encouraging others.  Here are a few pictures from our assembly.  It was a really great, motivational, age appropriate show!  By the way, Ned is the boy in the poster, his friend is presenting and using a yo-yo to make his point!  Very cool!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Burnham Memorial Library Visit

On Tuesday, November 8th, we walked with Mrs. Davis' class to the Burnham Library!  It was a beautiful day for a walk and we had a wonderful time.  We met with Hannah, the children's librarian, and she talked to us for an hour. We learned all about the history of the Burnham Library, how to look up books on the computer, we took a tour of the children's section, and then we had some time to just browse the books!!  Here are some pictures from our adventures!!

 We walked safely with our partners to the library.

All the second graders fit in the story nook to learn about the history of the library. 

 Hannah is telling us about all of the books that the library has!

Hannah asked, "What is your favorite book?" 

 Look at all of the polite listeners!

 Hannah showed us how to use the computer to look up book titles and authors.

Hannah read us a great book called "The Library". 

 After our tour, everyone found a book that they wanted to look at.

We decided to take a class picture to remember our field trip to the Burnham Memorial Library!
We had a great time!!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Library Visit Tomorrow!

This is just a friendly reminder that we are walking to the Burnham Library tomorrow after lunch!  Please make sure your child has a jacket and appropriate footware!  We are going to meet Hannah (the children's librarian),  tour the library, and hear a few great stories!  Everyone is super excited!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Harvest Celebration!

This past Friday, October 28th, we had a Harvest Celebration.  We ate some delicious goodies, visited with our friends (because there is never enough time to sit and just talk!), and we read a fantastic book!  It was a very low key event that was attended by many parents. I want to extend a special thank you to all of the parents who donated food or paper products for this party.  If you weren't contacted this time, you will be contacted to help with a future party! I hope that everyone had a safe and fun Halloween!  Enjoy the pictures!

Writing 101

We have been very busy getting into the "Second Grade Writing Groove".  We spent the first few weeks learning why writers write.  After much discussion, we decided that writer's write to express themselves and we found that there are many ways to do this! For example, writers can make a list, write a letter or postcard, or write a story.  Last week, we changed our focus.  Each student had to write about their best friend!  We did some brainstorming, then we used a rubric to guide our writing.  We worked hard to make sure that the reader learned all about our best friend using interesting details and good sentences.  At the very end, we also made a portrait of our best friend.  Everyone brought their masterpieces home last week. I hope you enjoyed reading them!!  Here are some pictures of a few authors hard at work on their writing!!

We are now starting to write "small moments" which is a snapshot in time.  Ask your child what they have been learning!