Saturday, January 15, 2011

No School

Hi Everyone! This is just a friendly reminder that there is no school this Monday, January 17th.  It is an inservice work day for educators in our district. I hope you enjoy the day doing some fun activities with your pumpkin! I'll see everyone on Tuesday!


This is just a reminder that Monday, January 24th is the last day to order yearbooks for this school year.   After this date, it will not be possible to buy one and we do not order any extras.  If you have lost your order form, send me a note and I can send you another order form!  If you have your order form and haven't sent it in yet, just make sure you send it in by the 24th.   I am always so impressed with how amazing the yearbook is and I am sure that you will love it too!! 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Gingerbread Houses Without The Pictures

We had SO MUCH FUN with our gingerbread unit!  We read numerous gingerbread books and compared and contrasted them all!  As a final project, we each made our own foam gingerbread houses with extra candy to eat!  The students had a terrific time and these houses were much easier to carry home!  I took many great pictures during "construction time" however, my SD card is now saying I don't have any pictures.  Oh technology!  I am so sorry that I can't post pictures but each house was unique and inspired!

We also had a wonderful holiday celebration on Wednesday afternoon!  Thank you to every family who donated baked goods or paper products.  We had a really great day and we were all ready to start vacation! I hope you had a restful and fun vacation with your family.  I look forward to seeing your children tomorrow! 

PS - My New Year's resolution should be to become more "comfortable" with technology....I'll work on it! :)